Builders Supply Association leads the way for the NEW WVDOH Materials Procedure
Tuesday, 01 June 2010 00:00
Early in February the BSA approached the West Virginia
Division of Highways Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division regarding the need for a materials procedure. The visualized MP would allow for the change of WVDOH approved raw materials within an approved mix design for Portland cement concrete. In April the request was grated with a revision to MP 711.02.23.
The materials procedure sets in place a procedure allowing for the substitution of (1) one raw material within an approved mix
design by use of a heightened version of the ―verification‖ process as opposed to requiring a new mix design. Once all criteria of the process have been met the new formulation shall receive a new mix design number in order for the mix to be tracked and data collected.
The Association has been granted the approval from MCS & T to communicate this new procedure to each District in the State, this process shall begin in late June. Should your company be faced with utilization of the MP during the upcoming weeks please notify the Association in order for the effected WVDOH District to be scheduled for one of the first presentations.